Plan G - Donationware by Tim Arnot
Test Flight
Flying any single or twin prop aircraft (see rules) the Test Flight is flown from Southampton (EGHI) to Gatwick (EGKK) on a heading of 078 degrees.
Set-up your chosen aircraft at EGHI Rwy 20 in perfect weather conditions.
Set the Nav 1 radio to the SAM VOR frequency of 113.35 and set the OBS to 078. Take-off and climb and establish yourself at 4500'.
Turn right and intersect the SAM VOR 078 radial and follow the radial to overfly EGHI.
As you overfly the runway at EGHI, note the time on the timer (this is the "start" time). Continue to EGKK and as you overfly the runway at EGKK note the time on the timer again (this is the "finish" time).
Subtract the "start" time from the "finish" time to calculate your Test Flight time which then must be submitted with your Pilot Registration
Please note, we require all flight times submitted in minutes to two decimal places e.g 1hr 20 minutes 50 seconds would be entered as 80.83 minutes. To make this an easy task, use the flight timer available on the download page, it will automatically start on take off and stop on touch down and display decimal readings.
If you want to manually time your flight from the aircraft panel clock then multiply your seconds from your aircraft by 1.667 to get the decimal equivalent.
Subtract the "start" time from the "finish" time to calculate your Test Flight time which then must be submitted with your Pilot Registration.
Remember to ensure your Test Flight time is submitted in decimal seconds.
This is a plan view of the test flight (already flown):
Map courtesy TA Software, Plan G V3 and OpenTopoMap.
Your test time must be entered on the Pilot Registration form. Don't forget, registration closes 23:59 UTC Thursday 18th April 2019.